IT and Cyber Security Training

We have trained 8000+ employees of various organizations in India on IT & Cyber Security and Information Technology Act, 2000. In addition, we have trained Board of Directors and Top Management of several banks on IT Governance and Cyber Security.

Did you know that vast majority of cyber security breaches are due to human error? Employees are considered to be the weakest link in the chain. An organization may have invested in the best cyber security defense, but if the employees are untrained, the possibility of cyber attack remains high. Therefore, it is critical that employees be trained on basic IT and Cyber Security best practices.

The regulatory authorities in India – RBI and NABARD, also mandate that Board of Directors, Top Management and Employees be trained on IT and Cyber Security at least once in a year.

Our training programs / awareness sessions are engaging, knowledgeable and simple. Here are a few pictures: